Job Searching Tool

A query builder for advanced job searches.
Built with plain HTML CSS JavaScript


Andrew Schwenke


A single page tool for easy job searching. A form takes user input on which job boards to include, a location search term, one or more search terms / phrases (e.g. position titles), and a time range. The query link is then produced for a user to open.

Searches can also be saved to favorites, which is implemented using cookies. The favorites are created with a user provided name. When a favorite is created, the contents of the form fields are saved, allowing the favorite to be loaded at a later time for easy repeat searching.

Visit the pages website to try it.


Better job searching:

  • Find new postings with the time filter
  • Search against multiple job websites (Australia based)
  • Use words and phrases to narrow your search (use commas to add more than one)

There is no ‘Seek’ search option because the actual job pages aren’t indexed.