
Title Author Description Reading Time
Harnessing acoustic data and Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling to examine compositional turnover of avian species Andrew Schwenke A case study using acoustic monitoring data to model changes in avian species composition within the Mulga Lands bioregion of Queensland. 7 min
Job Searching Tool Andrew Schwenke A query builder for advanced job searches.
Built with plain HTML CSS JavaScript
1 min
The Australian Acoustic Observatory, Hoot Detective, & the impact of good data on Species Distribution Models Dr Andrew Schwenke, Dr Rob Clemens A case study demonstrating the use of open access acoustic data and citizen science annotations to model Owl species distributions. 10 min
Trem - Threads style note taking Your Name Trem is a full stack web application for capturing notes as trains of thoughts.
Stack: Python, TypeScript, Django Ninja, PostgreSQL, React
1 min
Your Project Title Your Name A brief description of your project. 1 min
Your Project Title Your Name A brief description of your project. 1 min
Your Project Title Your Name A brief description of your project. 1 min
Your Project Title Your Name A brief description of your project. 1 min
Your Project Title Your Name A brief description of your project. 1 min
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